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Ruger 8301 American Rimfire 22LR Reviewed

Posted on Nov 30, 2014

For some time I’ve been wanting a bolt-action .22LR for plinking and basic target practice. Especially with all of the cheap ammo out there. Much of it burns so dirty that it can be troublesome for most semi-automatics, but not with bolt or lever -actions. Not to mention the fact that they generally slow down the rate of fire which can increase accuracy and save money on ammo at the same time. Now let’s see how Ruger’s 8301 test drive went…

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Rossi .22LR/.22 Magnum Circuit Judge Reviewed

Posted on Jun 18, 2013

What first drew my attention to Rossi’s Circuit Judge surely was it’s unique look. The idea of a 9-shot .22LR/.22 Magnum revolver with an 18.5″ barrel mounted to a rifle stock is pretty amazing and draws a lot of attention from everyone that catches a glimpse of it. If you appreciate long guns, it is a sight to behold.

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Marlin Model 60 SB Reviewed

Posted on Mar 10, 2013

Marlin’s Model 60, also known as the Marlin Glenfield Model 60, is a .22LR semi-automatic rifle with a tubular magazine that was first introduced back in 1960. After having been in continuous production since, and more than 11 million made, Marlin claims the Model 60 is the most popular .22LR semi-automatic rifle in the world. I am not certain just how accurate this claim is, but I do believe it is a fine firearm.

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Remington Model 597 Reviewed

Posted on Feb 21, 2013

When I first saw the .22LR Remington Model 597, I was very impressed by its simplicity and clean design. The Model 597 has proven to be a fierce competitor to two other very popular .22 autoloader firearms: the Ruger 10/22 and the Marlin Model 60, as well as numerous other competitors in this space. The Remington Model 597 is also available in both a .22 Magnum and a .17 HMR configuration. There are many stock variations and colors available, though we are only looking at the standard .22LR version here.

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