Emergency Gear - LetsTalkSurvival
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The WaterBOB Reviewed

Posted on Sep 7, 2016

Emergency water storage is one of the biggest challenges for most preppers. Especially those living in urban environments like apartments and condos. There just isn’t enough room for large water barrels, much less any type of rainwater catch system. Storage of gallon jugs or cases of water bottles is not very practical either. Today, we’ll be looking at the waterBOB as an innovative alternative for dealing with temporary water containment during short-term emergencies…

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LuminAID PackLite 12 and PackLite 16 Reviewed

Posted on Aug 10, 2016

Lighting is an important commodity, especially in an emergency. All to often people have left battery-operated flashlights and lanterns unmaintained with dead batteries. Recent advancements in solar power have spawned a new generation of solar-charged lighting. One such company named LuminAID has taken those advancements and developed a series of lightweight and waterproof solar-powered lanterns that provide ample light when you need it and fold flat when they are packed away. LuminAID has kindly provided two models for us to have a look at…

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Living Rational 2-person Survival Kit Reviewed

Posted on Jul 24, 2016

Preppers and survivalists who have been doing it for a long time typically create their own custom, and often very elaborate bug-out and get-home bags closely tied to their personal emergency preparedness plans. But what about someone who is just getting started? Where is the best place to begin? Living Rational has put together a series of general emergency packs and those specifically tailored to various emergency scenarios like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and so on. Lets dig into one to see what they include and if it is a worthwhile platform to build from…

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