7 Essential Items in your Emergency Survival Kit
Home, office, school or car, emergencies can strike anytime. But your chances of survival get better only if you are equipped with essential items like food, water, first-aid, etc. According to survival experts, you need to create an emergency survival kit with the below listed supplies. Depending on your requirements and past experiences, you can add items on your own too.
- Food- At least a minimum of 3-day supply of non-perishable food items is a must in your kit. This can include canned foods, health bars, freeze dried food and some mints and candies. If accompanied with babies or pets, carry baby food and pet food also. Keep an eye on the expiry of all these food items and keep replacing them once in a year.
- Water- Water is a savior in all times. And, you need it for various purposes like washing, cooking, drinking, etc. So, ensure you carry around three gallons of water per person for 3-day supply. If planning to carry bottled water, get freshly packaged water for your kit and like food, keep replacing it annually. You can also opt for special packaged water with a shelf life of 5 to 50 years.
- Shelter and Warmth- In most of the emergency cases, you don’t get access to your house. So, carry a tent in your survival kit along with essentials like sleeping bags, thermal blankets, hand and body warmers and rain ponchos to stay safe in any kind of weather condition.
- First-Aid- In all times, certain first-aid items should be kept handy. In case, if someone is injured or having some health issue, items like medicines, sterile gauze, thermometer, bandages, antiseptic wipes, sting relief pads, antibiotic ointment, burn gel, cotton roll, tweezers and scissors will act as the armor.
- Sanitation and Hygiene- In no condition, you should compromise with your hygiene. Always keep the required set of items to maintain cleanliness within and around you. The items include a pail which is supposed to be used as toilet, toilet seat for toilet, garbage bags and plastic ties, bar soaps, sanitizer, toilet paper roll, extra tissues, toothbrush and toothpaste, and sanitary napkins.
- Lighting and Communication- Carry with you a lantern, battery-operated torches and radio, whistle for signaling, extra batteries and phone chargers, waterproof match sticks, lighter and candles. These will help you in communicating with people.
- Survival Gear- At last, you should always have these items as part of your survival gear, like dust masks, plastic sheeting, screw driver, shovel and ax, heavy duty gloves, manual can opener, sturdy rope and portable stove and enough fuel.
Other Important Items – Carry some cash, stationery like papers and pens, extra clothing for change, baby diapers and sturdy shoes.
To know more about this handy survival kit, have a look at this infographic designed by More Prepared, emergency survival preparedness experts.

About the Author
Mina Arnao is the Founder/CEO of More Prepared, the emergency preparedness experts for over 10 years. More Prepared’s mission is to help families, schools and businesses prepare for earthquakes and other emergencies. Mina is CERT trained (community emergency response team) and Red Cross certified.
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